
Hiding in the Shadows

  • 6 April 2013
  • Randy Wollf

Man in a shadowDo you ever feel like hiding when you sense God calling you to do something that is out of your comfort zone? When Samuel announced Israel’s new king, the new king was nowhere to be found. In fact, Saul was hiding among the baggage (1 Samuel 10:22). Without reading too much into the story, it appears that Saul did not feel up to the task. It was easier to hide in the shadows. However, God often calls us to leave the shadows. Perhaps, today is the day to step out from your hiding place and boldly follow God wherever he leads.

Who is King?

  • 1 April 2013
  • Randy Wollf

God King Lord"When Samuel grew old, he appointed his sons as judges for Israel” (1 Samuel 8:1). However, they did not follow Samuel’s example; they pursued dishonest gain and perverted justice. The result was that the elders of Israel wanted a strong leader, a king, so that they could be like the other nations. Samuel was displeased with their request and gave them a list of reasons why it was a bad idea. They weren’t convinced. God’s assessment of their plan: They have rejected me as their king. The Israelite elders were looking for strong leadership in a person and forgetting that ultimately God wanted to be their King.

Who or what is my king right now? Father. I’m prone to wander away from you and to serve other kings. Help me and those who read this post to follow you as the King of kings – to place everything and everyone under You. Amen.

Intimacy with God

  • 22 March 2013
  • Randy Wollf

I love the analogy of the vine and branches in John 15. I'm an outdoors kind of guy and can readily picture what John is trying to communicate. It really is a picture of intimacy and connectedness. As a Christian leader, I want to be productive and bear fruit for the Lord. In the past, I had tended to view this passage as a call to simply be with Jesus - to spend time with him as I do in my human relationships. Yet, abiding in Jesus is more than being with him. As we read in verse 10, it requires obedience. "If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love." The way to intimacy with Jesus is through obedience. As we lovingly obey him, we will draw close to him and bear much fruit.
